Kelsey Nishi Darling, Executive Director

Aloha Friends and Family,
My name is Kelsey and I am the Chief Lemon Squeezer here at Make Lemonade Project. In December of 2015, my husband Michael was diagnosed with stage IV cancer of the thymus.  Our journey with cancer has been long with very dark days. Over these six years, Mike has weathered a huge surgery in Texas, endless rounds of chemo, radiation and targeted therapies to try and control our disease.  I am in awe of his resilience and so grateful that he fights so hard to stay here with us.

No matter how dark the night, everyday the sun will rise. Feel peace, cherish every happy moment and remember that we are here to help you make lemonade. :)

“When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it.
For there is always light,
if only we're brave enough to see it.
If only we're brave enough to be it."
-Amanda Gorman


Katrina Beattie, Board of Directors, President
My name is Katrina Justiniano Beattie and I am the President of the Board of Directors for the Make Lemonade Project.

Being a long-term caretaker for my mom who battled Stage 4 lung cancer for 9 years, I personally know what it is like to be alongside a loved one who is on a very tumultuous and exhausting cancer journey. Through those challenging times, I’ve also witnessed first hand what a huge impact a small gesture of kindness can make in the life of someone who is battling cancer. These days, cancer has become so prevalent in many of our lives and it seems everybody knows somebody whose life has been impacted and completely turned upside down by cancer. I am hoping that through the Make Lemonade Project, we can help brighten the day of as many of those people as possible by coming together and making as much lemonade as possible!
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift; the meaning of life is giving it away.”
- David Viscott 

Celine Casamina, Board of Directors, Secretary
Hey Lemon Squeezers!
I’m Celine, the Secretary of the Make Lemonade Project Board of Directors, which is such an incredible group of people to be around.  We each have a story about how cancer has impacted our lives and the lives of our loved ones – I’m sure you do, too.

So many people in our communities have been handed lemons, and could use a little extra help in making lemonade.  For each individual going through this daunting journey, there is a community behind them working, praying, and hoping-from our closest loved ones to caregivers and physicians. It takes an entire community to fight cancer – no one should have to do it alone.

“When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.”
– Oscar Wilde
Stephanie Magno, Board of Directors, Treasurer
I’m Stephanie, the Treasurer of the Make Lemonade Project Board of Directors. I’m honored to be part of the Make Lemonade Project. Making lemonade to me means that we will make a positive impact in this community, however big or small.

One of my immediate family members was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in 2009 and I know firsthand how difficult it can be—mentally and emotionally—for everyone involved. My hope for making lemonade is that we are able to help and support those going through one of the hardest times of their lives. I’m looking forward to making that lemonade with you!

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.”
-Walt Whitman